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Book 1: Anatomy of the uterus and the breasts (De uteri et mammarum anatome)
- What is a woman and to what extent she differs from man (Quid sit femina quaeque ratione a uiro dissideat);
- Measure, position, shape and size of the uterus (Vteri ratio, situs, figura et magnitudo)
- Parts of the uterus (De uteri partibus)
- Organs which grow near the uterus (De iis quae utero adnascuntur)
- Connexions, sympathy and function of the uterus (De uteri colligantia, consensu et usu)
- Plato’s and others’ opinions about the uterus (Platonis et aliorum de utero sententiae)
- The breast (De mammis)
- The bones which, in the woman, due to her uterus and breasts, are different from man’s bones (De ossibus quae in muliere, uteri et mammarum ratione a uiri ossibus dissident)
- The parts which are prepared by nature while the foetus is generated in the uterus (De partibus quae natura machinatur dum fetus in utero geritur)
- The vessels which, from the uterus, are inserted in the foetus (De uasis, quae ex utero fetui inseruntur)
- The similarity between women’s and man’s parts (De similitudine partium feminarum, cum partibus uiri)