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Section I – Conditions correctly called uterine (De uterini proprie dictis affectionibus)
- Suffocation originating in the uterus (De strangulatu ex utero)
- Epilepsy originating in the uterus (De epilepsia ex utero)
- Melancholy of virgins and widows (De melancholia uirginum et uiduarum)
- Pulsation that sometimes afflicts women in the arteries of the back (De pulsatione, quae feminis interdum accidit in arteriis dorsi
- White fever or virgins’ disease: where it is also the obstructions of each of the viscera (De febre alba, seu virgineo morbo: ubi etiam de singulorum viscerum obstructionibus)
- Various stomach accidents and pain originating in the uterus (De uariis uentriculi accidentibus et dolore ex utero)
- Different forms of pain of the whole body and of the head originating in the womb (De uariis totius corporis et capitis doloribus ex utero)
- Different forms of pain in the uterus (De uariis uteri doloribus)
- Pruritus of the uterus (De uteri pruritu)
- Furor of the uterus (De furore uterino)
- Debility of the uterus (De uteri debilitate)
- The cold intemperatura of the uterus (De frigida uteri intemperatura)
- The moist intemperatura of the uterus (De humida uteri intemperatura)
- The dry intemperatura of the uterus (De sicca uteri intemperatura)
- The hot intemperatura of the uterus (De calida uteri intemperatura)