Section III – Diseases related to size (De morbis in magnitudine)
XVIII. The clitoris or the symptom of turpitude (De nymphaea, siue symptomate turpitudinis)
XIX. Hydrops of the uterus (De uteri hydrope)
XX. Inflation of the uterus (De uteri inflatione)
XXI. Inflammation of the uterus (De uteri inflammatione)
XXII. Erysipelas of the uterus (De uteri erisypelate)
XXIII. Scyrrhus of the uterus (De scyrrho uteri)
XXIV. Cancer of the uterus (De uteri cancro)
XXV. Condyloma of the uterus (De uteri condylomate)
XXVI. Haemorrhoids of the uterus (De uteri haemorrhoidibus)
XXVII. Warts, pimples, callus and piles of the uterus and vagina (De uteri et pudendi uerrucis, thymiis, acrocordone et ficu)
XXVIII. Rough pustules of the uterus (De scabris uteri pustulis)
XXIX. Ulcers of the uterus (De uteri ulceribus)
XXX. Fistulas of the uterus (De uteri fistulis)
XXXI. Cracks or fissures of the uterus (De uteri rhagadiis siue fissuris)
XXXII. Gangrene of the uterus or of the woman’s pudendal parts and their sphacelos (De gangrena uteri uel partium pudendarum mulieris et earumdem sphacelo)
XXXIII. Worms of the uterus (De uteri uermibus)
XXXIV. Stone of the uterus (De uteri calculo)